Friday, January 15, 2016

??????????????... This a post you might really like:)

 Yesterday Grace  put Gideon in this jolly jumper. He is such a blessing:) 


 I love taking pictures of his little feet.

 God is such a big blessing to us.

 He looks a lot like his Daddy.

 Loves his Aunts and Uncles:)

 He has a cold but so far he's doing great:)

 I love his big cheeks.  


 I love his little smile.( So will you:) ) He looks so handsome:)  

 You will sure love these two videos:)  Big brother Milo playing with him.
  :)  Well this is Jubal playing with his older sister:)  
 Sister Tia playing peek-a-boo. Jubal has gotten so big too. He's already 1. " No way"

 He loves this game:)

 My other sister and her family are up. Well we get the kids for 2 weeks while she and her husband are in Haiti doing a mission trip. They brought their 2 parakeets( Summer and Ted)
 We hope that Summer will get pregnant. My birds are happy to see them. . We  love when they are up it's lots of fun:)  My parakeets are ( Checkers and Sofia) Ted and Summer are Ella's birds. Having 38 people in this house + 4 parakeets + 2 dogs. It can get a little crazy but we work together. If you count my sister and her husband there would be 40 people. Please keep them in your prayers......Thank you!

 Ella and  Selah did Lucy's hair. I thought it was cute :)

 She's so pretty :)

 Silly girls:)

 Lucy's eyes......  I love it!!!! 
Hope you enjoyed this Post:)     

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